About me

As a recent Computer Science graduate from Wilfrid Laurier University, I have gained experience in software development. My passion in computer science started in high school when I took an introductory course in Java and made a simple physics simulator. The challenge brought by this project inspired me to do more. Today, web development have sparked my interest. Also, I enjoy reading about different programming languages.

Recent Works

  • oneset

    I worked as an intern for Oneset where I helped develop the website's front-end using AngularJS as the client side framework and also assisted in making back-end endpoints in Node.js. The website capabilities include: liking, sharing, searching for a user or a hashtag, reporting, commenting and filtering through various categories and other related content.

  • wluphi
    WLU PHI Club Website

    The goal for this website* was to revamp the old codebase, add tests and add more features and capabilities that were not previously present. With the help of a colleague, Quinton Black, such features now include: resetting password and added other CRUD functions for models only available to admin. The backend was re-written in Python (Flask framework) from PHP.
    * The beta site is provided since the new IT is currently migrating the site to AWS


  • ocr
    OCR Web Application

    Is a long semester project written in Python (PIL Library) to exhibit various techniques learned in Image Processing Course. The features include image filtering, thinning and hand-written character recognition using trained data. The project website is found here

  • minesweeper game

    Is a simple final group project written in Javascript (Node.js and AngularJS) to show the power of Socket.io in order to communicate/broadcast a player's move to another. We used Object-Oriented Programming and Model-View-Controller principles in making this project. The project website is found here

  • GPA Tracker App
    GPA Tracker App

    Is a final group mobile application project written in HTML5/Javascript/CSS3 for CP317 - Software Engineering in Wilfrid Laurier University. The storage capabilities is powered by Python's Flask Framework (for user registration and updating user data on a remote server) and HTML5's localStorage (for offline usage).

  • Coupled Motion App
    Coupled Motion App

    A final project for Grade 12 Computer Science Course (Java) written with co-author C. Mannem. The theme or challenge was to find a teacher's need and propose a solution to the teacher. We applied our knowledge in object-orient programming to implement a simple physics simulator to help students understand Coupled Motion problems in Physics class.


Email: don.miguel013@gmail.com